I have, as of late, discovered that this is not the name of the magical land. The place is actually called Nara and the inhabitants Piplings. I have also discovered their names – the yellow monkey is called Yojojo, his blue friend is called NokTok, the pink cat is called De Li and her friend the lilac rabbit is Lau Lau. Any children who occasionally appear and join in with their yogo (basically yoga but where you can fly a little bit - well, hover) are referred to as Cheebies; whilst the Pipling's butterfly pets are called Narabugs.
Now, even if you have never watched an episode of this, you can’t fail to be chilled out by the mere mention of these names – as such it has become a staple diet of Saturday and Sunday morning, often following rugby and cricket updates. In fact, I reckon they should ship this out to rogue dictatorship and terrorist training camps – they’d soon lose their militant hate of the world after watching a couple of episodes of this…
I do wonder what the creators were on though… and if can have some...
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